Thursday, December 15, 2011

Buzzy Pork Loin Roast

Earlier this year I bought a few pork loin roasts that were on sale for $4/ea and vacuum sealed them. I found one last night when we were stuffing the hams (12 of them!) and bacon (loads!) into my already overstuffed 32 cu ft freezer that we just got back from the butcher. There is nothing better than raising your own meat. We fed them apples & pears for the last month... makes for some NUMMY meats!

I digress...

I found this pork loin roast (about 2lbs) that needed to gooooooo but how to cook it?? I came up with a little something and I have no idea how its going to taste!

I'm okay with that!

If its gross, that's okay!

If its good, that's okay!

Let me tell you what I've created and what I'm planning to do with it... just in case its edible!

    Buzzy Pork Loin Roast

     1 Pork Loin Roast
     1 C Columbian Coffee -buzzzzzzz
     1 tbs Soy sauce
     1 pkg Onion Soup Mix -with the onions strained out of course!
     3 tsp minced garlic
     Cracked pepper

    Greaseth the crock. Place the loin on the bottom, add in the onion soup mix, soy sauce & coffee. Spread the minced garlic across the top of the roast that is showing out of the liquids and then crack some pepper across it.

     Cook on LOW for 6 hours

I'll be setting the crock to turn on at 12 so I have dinner ready at 6. It will be very nice to go to work, work, come home, "run into town" (1 1/2 hours) and come home to a great meal without having made a huge effort!

**UPDATE** 12/15/2011 We LOVED this! It was actually ready in only 5 hours. I used a meat thermometer to check it because I'm scared to get brain worms from pork. If you saw the documentary, you know what I'm talking about! It was super tender (gotta love the caffeine!) and had wonderful flavor BUT it was too salty.

The flavor of the soy sauce was spot on but it made it too salty so I'm going to take the amount down to 1 tablespoon (previously had it at 2 tablespoons) next time and see how it goes.

Also it is important to note that I flipped the loin over when I got home from work (about halfway through cooking time) because I always like to have both sides cooked in the juices if possible.

I made a gravy by adding a couple tablespoons of cornstarch to the gravy. The saltiness of the gravy was tempered to a tolerable level by the mashed potatoes but not enough to keep the amount of soy sauce at the original 2 tbs.

Definitely a winner!

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