Thursday, December 1, 2011

It's happened *sigh*

I knew it was going to happen soon.

I've had gray hair for years and I don't mind it, I really don't. I don't color my hair because gray is the truth. It is true that I have gray hairs and I really don't like feeling false (not that I feel anyone else is if they color theirs! Oh no! I just really don't mind mine) so there they stay.

That was just the beginning.

I've noticed a small wrinkle here, a difference in skin texture there. More peach fuzz on my face. A completely random 3" hair on my shoulder (I will always be honest with you, dear reader, and sometimes... it may get ugly) which was INSANE.

All of that was okay. I didn't even freak out when I turned 30 and I'm 31 now.

But then I drove home from work today.

And I left my blinker on.



  1. A) I remember that shoulder hair.
    B) Leaving your blinker on means you're a dork as well as old.

  2. 1) I'm dreading/excitedly anticipating its regrowth
    2) oh yeah, well.. you.. you just... *sigh* I know it does.
